What’s the aim?
In our ever politically unhinged world we chat, moan, groan and celebrate our lives with likeminded people. People who have lived similar lives and share similar ambitions, successes and adversities. It seems that talking to people with the same views, and similar stories to our own, gives us the self-validation in today's world.
But, in a post-Brexit Britain, we think it's imperative that we start to share stories outside of our own bubbles. We want to remind people that whoever we are, wherever we've come from, we are all navigating the world and trying to get by as best we can. We are all human.
Stories Untold is a short-film series that spoke to 6 London based migrants from different social, political and economic backgrounds, who told us their story with their own words. We are aiming to share these stories far and wide, screening them in schools, businesses and both national and international festivals.
Let's pop some bubbles.
After months meetings with interesting people from all around London and the world, we selected six of them, whose stories complemented each in terms of diversity, provenience and life experiences.
We started the shooting in late September 2017, and we launched the finished short film series at the gala night of the London Migration Film Festival 2017.
The event was hosted by the Migration Museum, and it was attended by 500 people. If you would like to know more about Stories Untold or arrange a screening please get in touch with us at themigrationcollective@gmail.com